
At the very beginning of March, Neil insisted I shift to #StarFieldFarm with the dogs & isolate here. This was primarily for his peace of mind – he is a physician at a Boston teaching hospital and he didn’t want to risk bring home covid-19. When we learned more – and by the end of March it became clear that hospital workers using PPE were at low risk – he started to join me on weekends. Now I feel comfortable to come home midweek so he is not alone so much. Still, I have spent more time at StarField than in Newton. When I arrived, it was the lingering end of winter. I lit fires in the wood stove most nights and layered on warm clothes. 6 month later, the season is turning again. It’s time to get the woodstoves cranking. I pulled out my fleece sweaters. Living in the woods, I am so much more aware of the changing seasons and the way light plays on the trees. I have watched flowers bloom and fade, seen a parade of birds at the feeders. It’s hard to reconcile my grief with the peace I feel here.

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